Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Westbard Avenue realignment construction update (Photos)

Construction continues to proceed on the realigned segment of Westbard Avenue in Bethesda, which will connect to River Road at the same intersection where Ridgefield Road did before that block of Ridgefield was demolished. Some questions have been raised about the final dimensions of the new road - the width of the lanes, and where the protected bike lanes promised in the Westbard sector plan will be. The closure of the main arterial road grid of the Westbard area continues to represent what may be the largest transfer of public land for private corporate use in the history of Montgomery County, with an entire side of a community shut down for over a year. The roads are scheduled to reopen when the project is completed in September 2023. Let's hope the new Giant has new freezers, as the TV dinner freezer units were broken down Monday at the existing Westbard Giant store, as they have many times over the last decade.


Anonymous said...

I imagine all the Westbardians are anxious to see this project completed. Are they still required to bury all the overhead utilities?

Anonymous said...

Workers’ hours cut, so pay they count on cut.

No comment from the media.

Robert Dyer said...

11:20: No, that was one of many things the County Council excised from the Westbard sector plan. Developers are not required to bury utilities on Westbard Avenue, so we'll have that ugly mess left behind. "Heckuva job, Brownie!"

Anonymous said...

Robert, tell me you don't subsist on TV dinners.

Christo said...

Any update on this? it seems that ridgefield between westbard and river will be renamed brookside and westbard will continue to hit river as it currently does. though there is an effort to close the westbard river intersection to thru traffic.