Woodmont Avenue at Norfolk Avenue near Veterans Park in Bethesda |
Montgomery County was hit hard by Winter Storm Gia over the last 48 hours. Snowfall totals ranged from 9.5-10.5" in parts of Bethesda to 11" in White Oak, 11.5" in Rockville and 12" in Germantown and Damascus.
Suburban News Network
A Snow Emergency is in effect. The federal government is closed.
Conditions are poor on Massachusetts Avenue at Cromwell Drive in Bethesda, a state road |
Montgomery County Public Schools are closed today, as is the Montgomery County government. All County facilities except for police and fire stations are closed, as well.
Metrorail subway lines and MetroAccess are operating on a normal weekday schedule, but Metrobus is on a Severe Snow Plan, meaning service is mostly limited to main thoroughfares. Ride On bus is operating on a normal weekday schedule. MARC train is operating on an R schedule. Northbound I-270 just south of Montrose Road is in bad shape, with multiple collisions reported in that area this morning, including one involving a police cruiser.
Route 355 at Mannakee Street in Rockville |
Rockville city government and city facilities are closed today, and tonight's Mayor and Council meeting has been cancelled. City trash collection won't take place today, and will be delayed one day for all customers the rest of this week.
Route 29 at Randolph Road in East County |
Takoma Park's city government announced last night it would be closed today if the federal government closed, as it has. City-operated child care is also closed today. City Manager Suzanne Ludlow claims that trash
will be collected on-time today, and for the rest of the week. Takoma Park does have its own snow removal service, so perhaps they will be able to clear streets enough to do this.
Georgia Avenue at Aspen Hill Road |
When thousands of legitimate weather sources won't do.
@5:00 am: I appreciate this report and the earlier weather reports because Robert Dyer can be relied on for comprehensive and informative coverage of Bethesda news. It's great to be able to check a single website each day and not have to go to other websites also.
5:25 - Robert is your hero. So happy for you.
n the capital, children up to the age of 12 were told to stay home when the temperature hits minus 45C.
Older pupils had no excuse for absenteeism in the world's coldest city, population 269,601.
The region is known for diamonds and woolly mammoths - but policies varied around the vast territory as to who was expected for classes.
In the city of Verkhoyansk, it plunged to minus 51C but lessons were only cancelled for children below 13.
@5:48 am: I get useful information from Robert Dyer's blog, which is why I follow it. You evidently follow it in order to post derogatory comments. Why spend your valuable time this way?
9:10 AM You're a troll with nothing useful to contribute.
Posting under anonymous or "Anna", it's the same thing. There's always someone ranting and raving in the comments section on popular news sites. You're that person here. Congratulations!
Honey, Anna is my name. It's been 2 years that I've posted exclusively with my name.
How interesting that you accuse me while posting anonymously. If I was Dyer I'd say you were too lacking in male hormones to have the brass to post under your name.
Dear Anna,
Your many comments on this blog are mainly personal attacks, often with deliberately insulting language.
May I kindly suggest that you consider modulating or abandoning this way of life.
Surely you are aware that they serve no purpose. No-one is convinced by such manifestly unfair and inappropriate language.
You do this presumably not to persuade others but to hurt. But trying to hurt another human being, as a sustained and time-consuming effort, is corrosive. You are bound to become increasingly bitter and negative in other aspects of your life.
I wish you well. Let go of this self-imposed burden, reclaim your time, and use it to help others, or yourself.
1:57 PM You forgot to sign in as "Anna" :\
3:05 PM You're not professional at all.
As 12:53 PM said, you just keep jabbing at Dyer with insults. That comment is spot on: all the negativity you bring online here will spill into the rest of your life.
And you lie all the time, including claiming to have posted under my user name.
Move on. Plenty of other websites out there, why obsess over Robert Dyer?
3:54PM - Once again...
I posted here a few times as "Rugby" - here's the 1st time
That's me @ 8:04
Do you need some sriracha to go with that crow "Rugby" @3:54?
4:53 PM/4:54 PM You're posting under various names, including mine and "anonymous".
It's scary that you confirm you've been obsessed with Robert Dyer for so many years. Your act got old long ago.
6:00 PM Yeah, the man who continuously posts negative attacks here needs help. At 4:53PM he's touting that he's been doing this for 3+ years.
Over 3 years getting up and posting personal attacks on a news site and hoping something bad ("karma") happens to Robert Dyer, the publisher.
"Anna" aka "Anonymous" aka Fake "Rugby" should stop before they hurt themselves or someone else. Remember the obsessed man who shot up the Capital newspaper in Annapolis? He also had a years long grievance against those local news publishers. Stop it now.
It is weird how close "Anna"/Anonymous sounds like Eugene Matusevitch, who cyber harrassed a police officer. Seems like they share the same mental disorder.
Matusevitch faced three criminal counts of misuse of a telephone and a fourth count of electronic mail harassment in the Montgomery County case
"Anonymous"/"Anna" has the same obsessions here: claiming to be more successful than Dyer, obsessing over where Dyer lives, his social security #, etc. The sheer volume of daily posts is eerily similar to Matusevitch.
6:33 PM Yup, grievance is the right word for sure.
The same spate of grievances about Dyer and his news sites.
6:31 PM You're at it again and sound just like Matusevitch. The same exact insults. That guy was charged with harassment.
Anna/"Anonymous" has the same obsessions about Robert Dyer that Eugene Matusevitch had about the police officer- believed he was better than him, obsessed about where he lived and touted having his social security #, etc. Constant daily harassing messages...sounds familiar!
"Journo" again.
And two more instances of "Matusevitch" and one more instance of "grievance".
Also the same obsessive typing of "obsessive"/"obsessed"/"obsession". Rather revealing.
7:12 PM Like a child, you have to have the last word. So be it, troll.
So, 8:02, what was the purpose of your comment, other than to have the last word?
If you can't understand or accept the truth, that's all on you. All I can do it put the truth out there.
You’re just creating your own little drama out of pure insecurity.
This is what I posted@ 3:05 which was deleted. As usual, you delete my defense so you can claim I posted things I didn't.
That's so sad for you.
Actually, no they are not mainly personal attacks. I don't use inappropriate language.
And, as evidenced by your comment @2:22PM, you're still displaying your ignorance by doubting I'm just what I say I am.
In reality I'm a normal professional woman who's upfront, logical, outspoken and not with the BS. My mantra in life has always been "If you see somebody without a smile, give them yours." That's my real name up there.
If you're going to insist that every anonymous comment was made by me, then everyone can just assume that every pro-Dyer comment is made by you, aka Unsigned Dyer..
3:05 PM
Weird that you also deleted this: posted after I gave a link to me posting as Rugby.
You owe me an apology.
4:54 PM
Dear Anna,
Thank you for saying that your comments are not mainly personal attacks, and that you don't use inappropriate language.
This is true of your last dozen comments. If it's true of your many previous comments also, then I was wrong and I stand corrected.
Let's all profit from your example. No personal attacks, and no inappropriate language.
see all the false accusations about me are allowed to remain.
How very sad that you see no problem with that.
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