A woman was arrested after a massive police response to the attempted kidnapping of a child in downtown Bethesda last night. Police cruisers and a Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad ambulance rushed to the intersection of Norfolk Avenue and Woodmont Avenue by Veterans Park after 7:00 PM Monday evening, shutting down traffic in some directions. Officers were unable to provide details about what had happened, likely because the incident involved a minor. Bystanders reported hearing that an adult female had interacted with an adult, and later a child, in the area prior to the swarm of police cars arriving.
Later in the hour, police marched a woman out of a business at the intersection in handcuffs. A 39-year-old female Bethesda resident was later charged with kidnapping, abducting a child under 12, kidnapping a child under 16, harboring a kidnapped child under 12, second-degree assault, first-degree assault, reckless endangerment, and disorderly conduct. No further information about the incident has been publicly released by the police department as of this writing.
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BCC Rescue Squad ambulance responds to the scene |
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As many as 10 police cruisers initially responded to the incident |
Unbelievable! What in the hell is happening in our area? This is awful. Good. This lady is totally F'd. Even in Socialist Republic of MoCo, this sicko is going to prison unless of course if she's illegal.
"Bystanders reported hearing that an adult female had interacted with an adult, and later a child, in the area prior to the swarm of police cars arriving."
Sounds like it's related to a custody dispute.
"Charged with kidnapping, abducting a child under 12, kidnapping a child under 16, harboring a kidnapped child under 12..."
Wow, that's really piling on the charges. What's the difference between "abducting" and "kidnapping"?
MoCo's finest making a custody dispute in to WWIII
Why do readers of this blog need to know any of this?
6:00: It's called news. That's what people come here to read.
"Officers were unable to provide details about what had happened, likely because the incident involved a minor." Later in this story you state information about the age and other details about the party involved. If this didn't come for the police, what was the source?
There is "news you can use," and then there is this.
Of what benefit to your readers is this information, other than reminding us that these situations happen even in Bethesda?
@540AM and @559: It wasn't a custody dispute. The defendant has no relationship with the victim. Kidnapping and abduction are separate offenses, with abduction being a more expansive charge. The state's attorney probably will drop one or both of those charges. It's not uncommon for police to overcharge when making an on-view felony arrest so that the state's attorney has something to work with.
Robbie, did you forget to sign your comment?
6:20: I always sign every comment I post. Believe it or not, with thousands of readers, some of them actually comment.
6:13/6:15: #scooped
"Yashica Shavon Terry, 39, of the 7000 block of Woodmont Avenue"
Obviously not an "illegal". I guess one of her parents was a serious camera buff.
More info:
"She is due in court for a preliminary hearing on Dec. 13. Attorney information was not listed Tuesday morning."
8:04 AM Dyer broke the story.
>Wow, that's really piling on the charges. What's the difference between "abducting" and "kidnapping"?
Often, charges are piled up like this because it gives room for negotiating charges in pleas. The more charges you have, the more you can drop or have dismissed and still allow for appropriate sentencing.
@ 7:40 AM: Actually close to that.
“[Terry] approached from behind and violently shoved the older man from behind. He didn’t know this attack was coming, so he went face first into the concrete."
I happen to walk up to this man as he was being comforted by two older women and before the police arrive. His nose was bloody and when I asked him if he was okay, he looked at me and then away saying "she went that way". Others were on the phone and police pulled up within 30 seconds after I left.
10:42 AM Old, legacy traditional media is slowly catching up to the story hours later.
Read Dyer to get the latest news first.
11:58am wants a cupcake for regurgitating a press release. Hours after Dyer's on scene report.
Why did Dyer wait over 12 hours to publish his incomplete "on scene" report?
If relevant information is contained in "press releases", then why is Dyer so slow to "regurgitate" them?
1:41 PM Why so mad that Robert broke the story?
Why so gaslighty?
1:41: There was no "press release" until later today when local media was begging the police for information I had already reported, so they wouldn't have to attribute the scoop to me.
As usual, I get no credit from the local TV, Post, Washingtonian gatekeepers. **** 'em.
It's too late - everyone had already read my on-scene, breaking news report hours before anyone else scraped an MCPD press release. All charges were listed. I know you're hurting I broke the story. You even spent an hour writing a fake transcript of my newest YouTube video with totally fake words and pronunciations. You're a very sick old man.
Damn, son, you just got destroyed - just like my competitors.
Dyer @ 5:25 AM -
"Sriracha" is pronounced "sree-RAH-cha", not "surachur". You should at least know how to pronounce the name of the product which you are so lamely reviewing on YouTube.
9:19: I pronounced it correctly throughout the video - you're just making garbage up, which has been your M.O. since I destroyed you on the issues a couple of years back. Congratulations on spending 12 solid hours today trolling, cutting and pasting old troll comments, and refreshing my page.
I look forward to your identity being revealed. When it is, you'll go to jail for some time for stalking, harassment, doxing, cyberbullying and threats against me. In the short time before you are sentenced, Bethesda residents will likely punch you as you walk the streets, forcing local media to write "Is it OK to punch a Commie?" articles.
Save them some strength and punch yourself, you Neo-Communist pervert.
I can't find this word anywhere other than on this blog.
5:24: I invented it, and it will soon join the lexicon like "moribund."
The Neo-Communist Party of the Soviet Union (NCPSU, Russian: Неокоммунистическая партия Советского Союза, НКПСС) was a clandestine radical left group, which existed in the Soviet Union between September 1974 and January 1985.
Founded: September 1975
Dissolved: January 1985
From urban dictionary:
Why this is so: As the word implies, it is a 'new' generation of Communist, albeit most are students (as where it learned from), few are more and less anti-Authitorian proletars (low class workers), and pledge alliance to Marx's theories, but defy Soviet and the like (China, perhaps Cuba) as inferior attempts on it, not genuine ones, and state-capitalistic enterprises with vague socialistic elements. They often share sympathies with workers, activists and anarchists. Most neo-Communist are so presumably because of a rebellish fad, or attitude, but most of them reject Totalarianism, saying it was never a part of leftism. Transistionary states are a heated subject, and neo-Communists are often followed for their ideology, because they are placed in the same class of despot-supporters. Neo-Communists are often atheists or agnostics.
remember, the truth doesn't cost anything, but lies can cost you everything
Oh noes, I have to delete definitions!!! Because???
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