Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Maryland restaurants aren't going out of business fast enough, lawmakers in Annapolis say

Maryland's restaurants aren't going out of business fast enough, lawmakers in the state's capital of Annapolis say, and a pair of Democrats in the legislature have a plan to speed up the process. On top of previous hikes to the state's minimum wage, which have been a factor in many restaurant closures and staff reductions statewide, their new bill would create a 2026 ballot question asking voters to approve a minimum wage of $20-an-hour. If approved by voters, the question would also force restaurant owners to pay that $20 wage to tipped workers, as well. The bill is expected to be taken up by the Democrat-controlled Maryland House and Senate next month.

Montgomery County was the vanguard of the proletariat in the effort to raise the minimum wage in the previous decade. The Montgomery County Council was warned by business owners, the Maryland Retailers Association, and the Restaurant Association of Maryland that a significant wage increase would put many enterprises out of business. Their predictions came to pass, as Montgomery's already-moribund economy was slammed by the higher wage requirements, higher taxes and new regulations, and the Council's disastrous "Nighttime Economy" initiative that ended up destroying the nighttime economy. Bars, stores, and restaurants that had endured for thirty or fifty years, serving multiple generations of Montgomery County residents, were suddenly closing left and right.

The nightlife scene in Bethesda looks starkly different from what it was prior to the last decade. In fact, you can't really look at it at all, because it no longer exists. Along with record numbers of restaurant failures countywide, at least 24 nightspots closed in Bethesda alone. Downtown Bethesda's streets are now dark and lonesome after 9:00 PM. 

Demolition of Regal Cinemas Bethesda 10
cineplex in 2017

The impact of the Council's "Nighttime Economy" catastrophe in Bethesda was capped off when Barnes and Noble closed, and the Council allowed the town's only major cineplex to be demolished, without requiring the developer to replace the theater - even though the Minor Master Plan Amendment that permitted the demolition provided the Council with the authority to impose just such a requirement. The public plaza outside the former bookstore that previously teemed with crowds during warm weather was suddenly deserted. A "spaces available" sign outside the public parking garage at Bethesda Row that usually read "FULL" during the peak dinnertime hours now showed hundreds of spaces available. The counter was eventually deactivated to cover up the embarrassment.

There are now not only fewer restaurants in Montgomery County, but fewer restaurant workers, as well. Fast food establishments that haven't closed now sport touchscreens that eliminate the number of workers needed to man (or woman) the counter. Chains like McDonald's are on the verge of total automation, only slowed by the open revolt a speedy conversion to this technology would spur among unions, and the mainstream press that already delights in bashing restaurant chains that allow working class people to eat cheaply without government welfare assistance.

Many writing for the "Buzz Insider"-style websites, and even more among the world of TikTok "influencers," were fooled into believing McDonald's' new CosMc's concept is a super-cool place to film yourself waiting in an hour-long line of cars, to get a million video views of yourself making moronic faces while sipping a Sour Cherry Energy Burst. In reality, it is a test run for the "Fight for $25" future, a future of a single supervising employee monitoring an array of robots serving precisely-made Big Macs and Egg McMuffins.

Along with Governor Wes Moore's proposal to raise taxes on the "rich," the proposed wage hike will indeed speed up the bankruptcy process for mom-and-pop restaurants across Maryland. Restaurants - and most retail - are very slim profit margin businesses to start with. The margin is even slimmer in hellaciously-anti-business counties like Montgomery. Having elected officials who don't understand this, or much of anything about how business works, is always potentially fatal to the independent entrepreneur in MoCo and Maryland.

This financial illiteracy among our elected officials leads to measures such as the higher taxes, fees, and wages being proposed fast and furiously in Annapolis this month. It leads to a state where many elected officials and government employees end up making more money annually than the private businesses they regulate. But as we've seen already in Montgomery County, which fell from its lofty perch among the Forbes "Top Ten Richest Counties in America" list during MoCo's purge of the free enterprise system last decade, the more you pile on the taxes and wage hikes, the less revenue you get. Taxation is not only theft, but generates diminishing returns as rates increase. The more you squeeze, the less you get. 

Montgomery County has already reached rock bottom in the D.C. region, or close to it, in every significant economic development category compiled by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Even Gov. Moore has admitted Maryland's economy is stagnant, and its economic and job numbers lag far behind the national average since 2017. Yet, Annapolis wants to again join Rockville in amplifying the assault on the small businessperson even further. The question for our representatives in Annapolis this year is, "How much lower do you want to go?"


Anonymous said...

"fewer restaurants in Montgomery County"

Umm, no. Your entire premise is just fabricated nonsense. Number of restaurants in the county (and state and country and world) dropped during the pandemic, for obvious reasons, but that has since rebounded w/more than 100 restaurants opening in MoCo in 2024 alone.

Anonymous said...

Liberals can only see a zero-sum-gain which is why their economic vision fails. With rents and sales prices so high, why not just make it $50/hour? The utter lack of marketplace common sense on the left is astounding but they're driving the bus. Pretty soon, other people's money runs out and they'll need to blame anyone but themselves.

Anonymous said...

I hate big government as much as anyone and I don't disagree at all that Democratic Lawmakers are creating/ have created an untenable environment for small business owners in the state - exacerbated by MoCo progressives.

That said, the "nightlife" in Bethesda really does not look that different than it did 10 years ago. In fact, over the last couple years, Bethesda has attracted more high end restaurants like Salt Line, Ala, Aventino, Planta, etc. That's on top of neighborhood staples like Ollazo, Alatri, Blacks, Woodmont Grill, etc. Pointing to closures is fine but that's the case with almost all restaurants.. basically half of them don't make it in any market. MoCo does those places no favors but the chances are they wouldn't have worked out anyway just looking at it from a statistical standpoint.

I was out in Bethesda just recently and while the number of bars are limited, every place I walked into was packed. I'm not sure what you want Bethesda to be? Do you want a chaotic Adams Morgan/U Street scene like in DC? I know I don't.

In summation, relax.

Robert Dyer said...

7:56: More importantly, how many have closed since the first minimum wage hike? Some of those 2024 restaurants only stayed open a few months, or even weeks. Meanwhile, many former restaurant and bar spaces have converted to retail, or are still vacant, as seen at Bethesda Row, Montgomery Mall, and Rockville Town Square, to name only three. The collapse predates the pandemic by many years.

Anonymous said...

This blog—once a useful resource for locals—has increasingly turned into a long-form op-ed. If the author and frequent posters so detest (and I think that’s the apt word) the local political climate, maybe they should relocate. The most recent election results suggest there are plenty of nearby municipalities whose politics may more closely align with your own… You might be happier and feel less aggrieved.

Robert Dyer said...

9:40: I've been commenting on the County's failed economic development record for over a decade; there's nothing new about that. It's hard to imagine any Democrat or independent voter who could hold up MoCo's business record or stats as something to be admired with a straight face. It would be better if the radical and/or incompetent "leaders" who are content to slouch toward bankruptcy leave, rather than those of us who want to right the ship and create a better Montgomery County. I can't think of any MAGA municipalities in Montgomery County or Northern Virginia, and certainly not Washington, D.C.. Meanwhile, Virginia has prospered under Democratic and Republican governors alike. It's a diversion and red herring to try to make economic failure a partisan issue.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You must be a relative of Robin Ficker or you attended Ficker Univ., your senseless rhetoric mirrors his myopic viewpoints.

Anonymous said...

Ok, let's stop trying to make it better.

Anonymous said...

"how many have closed since the first minimum wage hike?"

Well, how many?

Anonymous said...

Downtown Bethesda has always closed early ... for years, even on weekends, most restaurants closed by 10 pm. Noted exception: Tastee Diner used to be open 24/7 ~ we'd sometimes go there at 2 or 3 am after a downtown excursion on a Friday or Saturday night :-)

That said, there has been an incredibly high and continued turnover of restaurants and shops since approval of the 2017 Downtown Bethesda sector plan, a lot due to excessive/increased rents/leases or being displaced for new construction.

Anonymous said...

Moore'e proposed budget will add a 1% tax on capital gains -- which would make Maryland only the second state (other is Minnesota) to do so.

He also wants to raise tax brackets, including on pass-through entities, which many small businesses are set up as.

Maryland currently ranks 45/50 (i.e. near the worst) on rankings of best states to do business in. Raising taxes and minimum wages is not going to help that.

Anonymous said...

The guy who thinks it's "zero-sum-gain" is lecturing the rest of us on economics. Got to love the internet.

Anonymous said...

Minimum wage has gone up every year for more than two decades straight. You can't seriously think there are FEWER restaurants open in the county now than before the increases started.

Anonymous said...

@2:24 PM Your comment was interesting. Some further information:

Only eight states *do not* tax capital gains:
New Hampshire*
South Dakota

*While New Hampshire does not tax income or capital gains, it does tax investment income such as interest and dividends.

As you may have noticed, none of these states have an income tax. Rather than raising revenues through income or capital gains taxes, these states may have higher property, corporate, or sales taxes.


The article also lists 2025 Capital Gains Tax By State

Anonymous said...

Myopia is what got us into most these liberal messes, the numbers do not work. None of these jobs deserve a "living wage," btw. Life doesn't work with guarantees. Let's see the closing in a few months. Cause and effect and nature trunping nurture are two things libs just don't get.

Anonymous said...

If the blog is no longer useful than maybe you should read one that closely aligns to your liking , you might be happier and feel less aggrieved.

Anonymous said...

Doing what they do best: Tax and spent infinitum.

Anonymous said...

The "rest of us" thought the border was secure, Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation and the Inflation Reduction Act was about reducing inflation. Put down the waterpipe and try being a productive member of society.

Anonymous said...

Understood. However, the notion that you are engaged in a good faith effort to make anything better is laughable. Name calling and vilifying those who oppose your views is not constructive.

Anonymous said...

@1:31PM Let's not leave out the businesses that open and fail due to the actual business not meeting the market they anticipated, or they did not deliver what their concept implied. Twenty percent of all new businesses fail within their first year.

Anonymous said...

FWIW, I'd be considered a 'now questioning Liberal,' by most all standards and appreciate Robert's blog, here, insights, and usually his health seeking narrative of how MOCO does things. I think it's important to factor in all the consequences that Robert brings to light.

Anonymous said...

He's ignorant of the difference between standard minimum wage and tipped employee minimum wage. I'm embarrassed on his behalf.