Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Maryland energy crisis requires axing EmPOWER, embracing nuclear

Barakah Nuclear Power Plant, UAE

Maryland is in a full-blown energy crisis, which is devastating electric ratepayers across the state, and has only exacerbated our image as a poor destination for international business. The two root causes are the direct responsibility of our elected officials in Annapolis: the Communist EmPOWER MD program, and the closure of eight power plants that resulted from a state mandate to attain 100% clean energy by 2035. EmPOWER's surcharge was increased for this year by Governor Wes Moore and the Democrat-controlled Maryland legislature. The result has been a massive increase in electric costs for Maryland residents in the midst of a cold winter. In the not-so-distant future, low-energy Maryland will be forced to import nearly half of its power from out-of-state (it currently imports 40%, and is in the process of approving another transmission line to bring power from outside Maryland), further raising electric bills.

One of the short-term solutions is obvious: Maryland must revoke, repeal, kill, and bury the EmPOWER program. Communist to the core, EmPOWER is a rob-Peter-to-pay-Paul scheme that steals money from working Marylanders, ostensibly to buy "green" appliances and home efficiency upgrades for poor people, but to also line the pockets of the political cartel and their cronies along the way. 

Maryland residents simply can't afford to "EmPOWER" the cartel any longer, and it is a no-brainer to demand that the Maryland General Assembly take immediate action to terminate it during the current session. At the moment, they are too busy cranking out every imaginable new tax in the world to increase what is already the highest tax burden in the Washington, D.C. area, and among the highest nationwide.

For the long term, we must take equally-immediate action to increase the electricity generating capacity inside our state borders. That includes restarting the shuttered power plants, and modifying others for natural gas. It also means expediting the construction of new nuclear plants across the state. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and to that end, there is one modestly-positive proposal on the table in Annapolis this session: to add nuclear to the list of "green" power sources.

But we also need to move urgently on actually getting nuclear plants constructed. There are several new players in the nuclear energy field, and new technology such as micro reactors. 

The United Arab Emirates is currently conducting an active search for potential nuclear projects in the United States. Maryland should answer the call. We often hear that nuclear plants can take two decades or more to come online. But the UAE's Emirates Nuclear Energy Company completed four reactors at the Barakah nuclear power plant in less than 12 years, and the project came in on-budget, according to the Financial Times

Enec's CEO Al Hammadi was asked by the FT if his firm would like to build, own, or operate nuclear projects, or function as a consultant. "All of the above," he replied. Maryland should at least be having a conversation with Al Hammadi, and with leaders at other companies, about creating a state where energy is cheap and abundant for residents and business alike.

Photo courtesy Enec


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately it takes over 5-years, (without lawsuits from liberals who think electricity comes from wall sockets), and even a NG facility takes over 2-years. Never going to happen in MD with a willful ignorant electorate.

Anonymous said...

Waitlist for a new Nat Gas turbine puts any new NG fired power plant at least 5 years out from today .