Tuesday, February 18, 2025

McDonald's reopens at Cabin John Mall (Photos)

A dapper Ronald McDonald is greeting customers at the remodeled McDonald's at 11301 Seven Locks Road inside Cabin John Mall in Potomac. The renovated restaurant has reopened for business with a new look, and a new interior configuration. Everything is geared toward the new normal of takeout and delivery orders being the main driver of business after the pandemic. But the updated interior design is also a welcome reward for loyal customers who fought to keep this location open when it was in danger of closing a few years ago.


JAC said...

That is a nice remodel for sure. Not the healthiest option especially for kids. But on occasion, sure, no problem. The best fountain drinks anywhere in the world and that's a fact. Lastly, I really wish that entire building got a remodel. It sure could use it.

Anonymous said...

Dyer's delight is a dietician's fright.

Anonymous said...

Did they keep the playplace?