Saturday, March 01, 2025

Maryland bill would force hunters to use "non-toxic" ammunition

Democratic lawmakers in the Maryland General Assembly are seeking to ban the use of lead ammunition by hunters in the state. House Bill 741 and Senate Bill 634 would mandate that hunters of any type of game in Maryland utilize "non-toxic" ammunition by no later than July 1, 2029. "Non-toxic" ammunition is defined in the bills as ammo containing 1% or less lead content. The bills would also alter the definition of "hunt" to no longer exclude "the sport of fox chasing."

The Sportsmen's Alliance, an organization representing the interests of individual hunters, anglers, and trappers, opposes the bills. It warned of the economic damage such a ban would have in Maryland. "Hunters contribute $328 million to the economy, directly support over 4,100 jobs, and provide over $29 million to state and local taxes," the Alliance noted in a statement. "This is a loss the Old Line State cannot afford." The Maryland Senate Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee will hold a hearing on the Senate bill on March 4, 2025 at 1:00 PM.

Photo courtesy Maryland Department of Natural Resources


Anonymous said...

Why do you put “non-toxic” in quotes? Lead is of course toxic.

Anonymous said...

Will criminals be required to use non-toxic bullets?

Anonymous said...

Depends on what they mean by "non-toxic", Lead shot can intoxicate water fowl if they ingest it.

Anonymous said...

Why open it to discussion? The bill will pass purely because it's burdensome to the Constitutionallly aligned gunners' groups. It has less to do with the environment.

Anonymous said...

The politicians are obviously not hunters. MD DNR has required non-toxic shot, (typically steel or copper), for decades. This isn't surprising as this is what liberals do by passing feel-good legislation necessary or not. Fire all of them.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of not a have no idea what you're talking about.

Anonymous said...

Looks like 4:23 has had their feelings hurt. Google is your friend but any criticism of your political idols is a trigger. Take a deep breath.

Anonymous said...

They are "killing us softy with their proposed laws."

Anonymous said...

Yes, otherwise they will have to pay a steep fine,

Anonymous said...

Nothing worse than an intoxicated goose or drunk duck.

Anonymous said...

@12:59 - SHUT UP ELON!

Anonymous said...

@7:56 Buckle up and get some counseling now because it's going to be a long 4-years of winning!