Friday, March 14, 2025

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore's poll numbers drop as he pushes unpopular tax, fee hikes

Maryland Governor Wes Moore (D) received more bad news from poll results this week, as his highly-unpopular plan to raise multiple taxes and fees - and introduce new ones - is tanking his approval rating across the state. 55% of registered voters approve of the governor, down from 61% in January, according to the Gonzales Poll released Wednesday. 50% of those polled said they believe the state is heading in the wrong direction. 58% labeled Maryland's economy as "fair or poor" - that has risen by 4 points since the University of Maryland Baltimore County poll in late February.

The combination of Maryland's moribund economy, Moore's tax hike plan, his proposed 75-cent tax on all Amazon and food deliveries from firms like DoorDash and Uber Eats, his EmPOWER MD fee that caused electricity rates to skyrocket this winter, and his squandering of a $5.5 billion surplus left by his predecessor, Republican Larry Hogan, is leading some to ask if Moore is up to the job of leading the state. That's quite a change from the beginning of his term, when the primary question was how long he would serve before running for the White House. 

Moore's stellar resume suggested he would lead with strength and competence in all relevant areas. The promised business acumen has yet to emerge, his handling of Maryland's finances has paled next to Hogan's tax-hike-free eight years of fiscal stability, and the state's long-moribund economy has made Moore's plans for massive new spending on social programs and education a difficult-to-impossible mission.

"No Moore" campaign posts video critiquing governor

Contributing to the public's attention to Moore's struggles was a decision by the Maryland Democratic Party to begin attacking an anonymously-led campaign called "No Moore." But in demanding the State Board of Elections unmask the group, and investigate it for unsubstantiated violations of election law, the party wound up elevating public awareness of No Moore - along with the number of its followers on social media. Moore's office distanced itself from that effort. No Moore wasted no time in leveraging its newfound support, posting a video critiquing Moore on X yesterday morning.


Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter as he is the leftists chosen 2028 DEI candidate. He's on the way to wrecking the MD economy but morons will still vote for him

JAC said...

Yep. They never met a tax they didn't like. Was that Larry Hogan's line? Perfect!

JAC said...

5:09 - That's well said. Moore is the heir apparent to Obama. They don't have as big a bench as the GOP has for the next cycle. But Moore will indeed rise to the head of the pack. They're going to run Gretchen Witmer? She's totally insane. Josh Harris will be formidable for sure and is far from crazy. No, Moore checks a lot of boxes and may indeed be rewarded for wrecking the state. Amazing to consider Hogan, a two-term Republican in the bluest state in the country had among the highest approval of any governor.

Anonymous said...

Hogan is history sit down.

Anonymous said...

What's funny about your ignorance is that his decline in support is because of the billions of dollars in proposed, DOGE-like CUTS. That's what people care about, not doordash maybe costing an extra quarter.

Robert Dyer said...

8:50: DoorDash will actually cost you an extra three quarters under Moore's proposal.

JAC: Even better was the other half of Hogan's line "...or didn't hike."

Anonymous said...

8:50 is wishful thinking. Moore's problems are all self-inflicted by towing the liberal line in deficit spending well before DOGE.

Must be painful to look in the mirror and realize how TDS has wrecked logical thought. Just kidding, old liberals in assisted living eventually just get moved to the memory care unit.

Anonymous said...

"Moore is the heir apparent to Obama"

Yes, the two black people are clearly the same and also totally "DEI." What is wrong with you two? Did I wake up in 1950?

JAC said...

7:55 - Most popular two term governor in recent history. Even Dems loved him. Moore not doing near as well sadly.

Anonymous said...

LESS Moore, MORE SPICES! 🦀 #McCormick

Anonymous said...

TDS is a lame cop out to any criticism of Trump at all

Anonymous said...

McCormick spices - taxes too high, maybe we'll leave.

Anonymous said...

"Maryland Governor Wes Moore (D) received more bad news from poll results this week, as his highly-unpopular plan to raise multiple taxes and fees - and introduce new ones - is tanking his approval rating across the state. 55% of registered voters approve of the governor, down from 61% in January, according to the Gonzales Poll released Wednesday."


"Americans are unhappy with the president on just about every key issue, according to a poll published Thursday by Quinnipiac University. Just 50 days into his second term, the majority of Americans—53 percent—disapprove of Donald Trump’s performance. That’s 11 points worse than Trump scored in a January 29 poll, when Quinnipiac found that 42 percent of the country disliked his performance. Reacting to the survey, Fox News host Jessica Tarlov noted that Trump is basically 'underwater on everything'.”

Anonymous said...

Let's see if we can help out 12:51's "I see everything through a racial lens" opinion.

Obama had zero track record and in a true meritocracy might have had a shot at a retail level job as his accomplishments were dismal and much of the rise in racial animosity we have today is directly by his actions. Moore now actually has a track record of management and it isn't good. Blowing through a 1.5B surplus to nearly a 3B deficit is not the kind of thing I want on my resume but the left doesn't choose that way so here we are

Anonymous said...

@4:57 So you're will to concede that DOGE has nothing to do with the deficits Moore has accumulated up to 2025?

Anonymous said...

And our copy cat cheerleaders are following suit.

Anonymous said...

701 and idiots like Stephen King think that the polls that called the election for #heelsupharris are going to sway the majority of people in this country that voted and still support Trump. Good luck at the senior support group for disgruntled liberals as the rest of us out here in the private sector need to work harder. You know, because businesses outside the government expect results.

Anonymous said...

So, we should believe polls when they show that support for Moore has declined to "only" 55%, but not when they show that support for Trump is underwater? Talk about cherry-picking.

Trump received 49.8% of the popular vote in 2024. Meaning that 50.2% of those who voted, voted for someone other than Trump. And only 32.9% of eligible voters, voted for Trump.

And the majority of Americans clearly do not support Trump 8 weeks into his term.

And of course, the usual sexist insults against our first female vice-president, in support of actual sexual assailant Donald Trump.