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The general manager of ArcLight Cinemas in Bethesda (second from left) holds the Governor's Crime Prevention award received by the cineplex |
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) |
Bethesda news, restaurants, nightlife, events and openings, real estate, crime reports and more - the way only a lifelong Bethesda resident like Robert Dyer can bring it to you. Everything you want and need to know about Bethesda, plus special investigative reports you won't find anywhere else. The must-read blog for breaking Bethesda news, when you want to be the first to know.
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The general manager of ArcLight Cinemas in Bethesda (second from left) holds the Governor's Crime Prevention award received by the cineplex |
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) |
WHAT?! This is so weird.....
@ 6:36 AM - Yes, "Hostess Wintermint Ding Dongs Review". First 6 minutes of the 9 minute video. Each minute of video takes about 10 minutes to transcribe, his speech is that awful.
There is no punctuation in the transcript because it is essentially one extremely long run-on sentence.
"Problematic", "parfait" and "cartel" seem to be the only words that are above a 3rd-grade vocabulary.
7:02: Can you explain how you have the time to spend hours transcribing my videos, other than you are a raving lunatic or are being paid by the County Council or a developer to do so?
Hopefully the troll is paid. If not, what an enormous waste of time :)
9:24 AM And the generation of adult bloggers that Robert Dyer has inspired to look and take blurry photos of signs in the food courts, strip malls and town centers of the county? They certainly are not being well compensated for all that work that Robert is making them do. Think about it.
Robert isn’t paid for his blogs and his site is awesome. It’s a civil service he is providing to Montgomery County residents. Not everything is about money.
Sure, it's great that he can live off the fat of his trust fund, wandering and loitering around weird corners of our fast-changing County at ungodly hours when all the other residents are sound asleep preparing for another day of work the next morning.
10:18 AM And the legion of local adult bloggers, inspired by Dyer, that wander and loiter in the food courts, strip malls and town centers of the county. Doing it without salary as well! God bless them!
Ha ha ha...keep dreaming, you failed narcissist. The only thing Dyer has "inspired" is peals of laughter at his goofy junk-food reviews.
12:01pm like it or not, qsr (or "junk food", as you call it) is big news (Popeyes, Wawa,etc) even the old Washington Post is sending reporters to drive thru windows for the latest "junk food".
2:18 PM You've made it clear that video series isn't your cup of tea. Why keep repeating yourself?
3:20 PM
Major CEOs and business leaders are now singing from the same hymnal as Robert Dyer on the county's economic and transportation issues.
And, yes, downtown Bethesda could use a more varied nighttime economy. Not brokering the new movie theater at the Wilson building, for example, was a big miss by planners.
Remember: the only arts & entertainment item included in the failed "Downtown Bethesda Plan" is a black box theater, which no one has asked for and is unnecessary given all of the stages that already stand empty around the downtown most nights of the week (Bethesda Theater/Jazz Club, for one).
Time for another walking tour?
"You talk really slooooow and slur your words."
For example...
"Surachur" (Sriracha)
"Camur" (camera)
"Cream de Menthe"
"Deftly" (definitely)
"Bayund" (banned)
"MONT-gomry" (Montgomery)
"Um" (them)
8:14: Every single one of those quotes is completely fake - anyone watching it can immediately verify that I do not pronounce any of those words the way you claim. Everything you post is total B.S.
You are a complete joke, a paid troll, and a mentally-ill stalker, to boot. It's well established that people who engage in this type of online harassment are mentally ill.
You're facing 2 years in federal prison for each charge - stalking, harassment, cyberbullying, threats. Cease and desist, before you end up in an orange jumpsuit for the next decade.
Put up or shut up Dyer. Either you know who the troll is and can press charges or you are the one who is mentally ill!
5:01: You know who you are. Some day we'll all know, and your "career" will be over and you'll be headed to federal prison for this unprecedented cyberbullying campaign against a local journalist. You will be recognized as a monster in Montgomery County.
6:16: A target of a relentless online harassment campaign is never a "snowflake," but I understand that coming from a depraved lunatic who claimed the Rockville gang rape victim was a willing participant.
Pointing out in your public comment pages that you're wrong and that you talk weird on your videos is hardly "cyberbullying".
How come a dude who has lived all his life in Bethesda, went to an elite high school, and graduated from a nationally-known university, sounds like that banjo-playing kid in "Deliverance" whenever he talks?
"Surachur" at 0:28, 0:35 and several other times throughout the video.
"I had a hard time finding these [Screamin' Sriracha Doritos] because these are apparently being stopped by the MONT-gomry County Council at the county line as they come in."
Sheesh, what a drama queen Dyer is.
6:51: You must be hearing-impaired, as well as insane - I said sri-ra-CHA at every point in that video. Only a carpetbagger would say Mont-gom-er-y as if it was Montgomery Ward. Total dumbass and carpetbagger.
6:37: This is your looniest whisper campaign since you guys tried to claim I was disabled back in 2012, but blew up your own campaign when your guy accidentally let it slip out before it started.
I'm one of the most-heard public speakers in Bethesda and Montgomery County - the people you are trying to tell that I have a southern backwoods accent are laughing at you right now, moron.
Damn, son, you just got destroyed.
6:59: And what a mentally-ill person you are saving a whole notepad of your deleted troll comments, and manically refreshing and reposting them every 30 seconds all day and all night. You do realize it's a known fact that people who engage in the online harassment and trolling you do have psychological problems and personal issues they are battling by bullying others?
You've been banned from this site and told not to post here, you hate me and the site, but yet you have devoted your life to me and this site! What is your problem?
6:35: What was I wrong about that you pointed out, big boy - be specific.
No, I do not "talk weird" even in the slightest. I'm one of the top public speakers and debaters in Montgomery County politics. I have a successful YouTube channel with over 13,000 subscribers. None of these thousands of people believes you have adequate testosterone or IQ to exceed your belt size, much less takes seriously anything you post.
Please stop re-victimizing the young woman by LYING about her situation.
This is not something a white, affluent, Gen-X male should be opining on.
You've been asked over and over to stop, yet you still do it. Why? After the young woman's family has begged the media to leave their daughter alone. Why do you still choose to hurt her?
I hate no one. I've said that repeated over the years.
Once again, if my name's not on it, I didn't post it.
I just tell the truth as I see it and apparently, you do not like the truth.
7:06: LOL - you just slipped up again, and again revealed that you post under different guises on all my websites. You repeatedly posted that exact comment on Rockville Nights as Anonymous, even while claiming you never visited that website.
No, the family never made any public comment, much less what you claim. Please stop victimizing them by making things up about them as a way to bully and harass me. Sick!
The question is, why do YOU feel the need to hurt others through harassment and bullying online, even when you are asked first to stop, and then to please leave?
"Surachur" (Sriracha)
"Camur" (camera)
"Cream de Menthe"
"Deftly" (definitely)
"Bayund" (banned)
"MONT-gomry" (Montgomery)
"Um" (them)
The troll's obsessive bullying comments sound like Eugene Matusevitch who was convicted for online bullying
Here's what Eugene wrote:
"So to recap: you're 28 years old, your grossly overweight, you make $40k per year an you drive a Honda Civic, Just kill yourself bro there would be less shame in that than living your sad little life out."
Sounds familiar- same types of insults multiple times of the time, obsessing over family members, etc. Eugene got up 10 years in prison. Trolling is not a good idea folks. Just sayin'
7:13 AM Edit: Multiple times of the day.
Do you really want to threaten me? Here's the thing...I'm upfront and honest, and you don't like to hear it..
And THIS is what YOU did:
You went to a website that I do not read, with knowledge that I do not read it, and posted false and defamatory comments and called me out by name. You also threatened to feed the IRS false information about me in an effort to ruin my livelihood.
That's all fact. Supported by YOUR OWN WORDS as posted on your blog(s) in your own name. FACT.
The fact circumstances are completely different in Eugene Matusevitch case and I'm not sure it could be cited. But I'm sure the attorneys reading can be more specific.
Commenting in a public forum is not the same as sending text messages to one's personal phone.
And Matusevitch was sentenced to...18 months of probation.
And the funny thing is, the infraction that set off Matusevitch's series of texts, was an illegal right turn from southbound Woodmont Avenue onto Leland Street, a maneuver which Robert Dyer believes should be legal.
You hate Hans and created an entire blog to him. Seems you have gone through even more effort.
Oh cool where are you rated one of the top public speakers and debaters? Glad to see you are doing well and successful!
The tone, tenor and frequency of Eugene Matusevitch's harassment is *exactly* like the anonymous guy that posts here. Obsessive, angry, vindictive.
Eugene was mad that an officer pulled him over. The question is what did the troll here believe Dyer did to him? He will never say.
I'd recommend not cyber bullying given that prison time is a possible outcome.
Looking forward to it. LOL
7:41AM - I can't believe that you're actually dumb enough to make that conclusion from my post...therefore I can only conclude that it was your intentional choice to disparage another reader who you have never met or spoken to.
If Robert Dyer had an editor...
Christmas Countdown Holy Smokers I have yet another great limited-edition Christmas product from major brand name and this is the limited-edition Holy Smokers Wintermint Ding-Dongs and I'm not only excited about the fact that Ding-Dongs are one of my favorite Hostess cakes with the exception of the fact that they've shrunk down significantly but they also have a blue cream filling that is the says here mint creamy filling got the blue specks on what appears to be the white fudge and there's another significant breakthrough it's package for the first time I can ever they're saying 'try it frozen' I don't think any other Hostess Product has said to try it frozen looking here at the packaging not too much to it you got some kind of a star here the Wise Men are following I guess and night sky there's a snowflake several snowflakes falling there is a snow some blowing in the air and here the actual product somewhat reflected in this backdrop any of you like food or drink that has a blue color here on the back unfortunately a lot of wasted space [scans ingredients and nutritional information] could have used to show something Christmas-themed instead we just get an ad for White Fudge Ding Dongs very disappointing
In my "Christmas Countdown" series, I am reviewing limited-edition snacks for the Holiday seasons. Tonight's review is "Hostess Wintermint Ding Dongs". Ding-Dongs are one of my favorite Hostess cakes, even though they've shrunk in recent years. This is a special version with a blue minty cream filling - I'm not sure I like the color blue in food, though - and white fudge frosting with blue specks. The box has a winter scene with a bright star and several snowflakes set against a blue sky, and also there is a promotion for another variety, White Fudge Ding-Dongs...
7:31AM The MoCo cartel is a disgrace. Right now planning on destroying any student's success in public school. Hans will not debate Dyer, because he knows the "D" behind his name will get all the MoCo Leftist automatons. Anyone not beholden to blind worship to a Democrat gets no ability to hear the issues debated, where Dyer would mop the floor with Hans. Hans is a California carpet bagger. Look at the impeachment, all NY and CA congress in the lead of it. The absolute worst states to make federal policy, and now we got one here making local policy.
7:49: It's the exact comment that appeared repeatedly on Rockville Nights, except you didn't use the name "Anna" there. Once again, you forgot you posted as Anonymous on a different site and tried to use it here.
No, the family never commented. Anywhere. You made that up. Imagine using a family's pain, and bringing them into your personal cyberbullying campaign against a local journalist. Despicable.
I notice you dodge the questions about why you engage in this type of harassment and bullying online, and continue after you are asked to stop, and then keep coming back after you were asked to leave.
This is not something a normal person would do, nor a professional person. What's your story, and how did you find yourself with nothing to do in life - literally - than to refresh my website every 30 seconds all day every day?
7:31 AM Riemer was first elected in 2010.
You're saying Dyer had information from the future about Riemer being elected 4 years before it happened and was angry he couldn't change history to prevent it?
You should write a screenplay about this.
8:30am delete yourself, troll..lol
"Eugene [Matusevitch] got up 10 years in prison."
#FakeNews. Matusevitch was sentenced to 18 months probation.
9:20: That was not a federal criminal case. And now we have the new Maryland cyberbullying law on top of federal charges you will face when your identity is revealed. Cease and desist would be the best advice you could take.
9:39 AM You saw "scant traffic" and "zero comments" and you immediately thought "Store Reporter".
I can't blame you. It has very little traffic compared to Dyer's Network.
Storereporter has a fraction of Dyer's traffic to just one of his blogs. His entire Network dwarfs it. Dyer sets the agenda among local blogs.
According to Alexa, Dyer's traffic is increasing and Storereporter is decreasing. (Hence the pleas for visitors, I assume, and why the Storereporter comments here to get a little bit of free advertising.). Please pay Dyer for an ad if you want one. And stop trying to disrupt his sites by posting inflammatory comments, please. Thank you! At least be nice for the holiday season.
"According to Alexa, Dyer's traffic is increasing and Storereporter is decreasing."
LOL, did she tell you how many readers Dyer has?
10:28 AM Alexa analytics
Deletes ONE of my comments? Pfft.
Bob, get a grip.
I've posted that type of comment here many times. I've used the same language that appears in some of the pamphlets and counseling aids for rape and abuse victims. You can accuse me all you want, but you'll be wrong every time.
The family has indeed requested that, whether you choose to follow their plea or not.
I'm saddened that you use her plight as a weapon against me, a reader.
7:27 AM
I don't read your other sites unless someone here links to it.
Anywhere I comment I use my name. I have for years now. News sites, local sites, MSM sites, tax boards, Twitter.
You just won't accept that I'm what and who I say. Perplexing. And kinda sad.
Did Alexa analytics tell you how many readers you have?
11:55 AM Not my site, so I don't have Dyer's GA, but public sources show just one of his sites have much more traffic than any other local blog. Combining his network and he sets the table daily in MoCo news. And he's trending up.
11:31: You're definitely not "who you say." You did, in fact, post that same crazy comment on my Rockville Nights site repeatedly, under a different identity. Exact same language.
How and why you've been able to dedicate your life to harassing and bullying me, and refreshing and trolling my pages every 30 seconds all day long, is what's really "perplexing and kinda sad."
I'm not sure why you are attributing false statements to the family of a crime victim to fuel your own monstrous bullying campaign. They never commented publicly. Ever.
Looks like Kapnos Kouzina won't be vacant for much longer!
8:06: Nope, sorry "Anna," but those are other delusional Neo-Communist comments at the time of the incident. The comment you just posted today, forgetting you had posted it on another website under a different persona, you repeatedly posted much later on Rockville Nights.
7:35: That's right, and I broke that story back in April 2019.
Then I confirmed it via a second source well over a month ago.
Your next move is to go to your favorite website and post a comment to say "Robert Dyer broke this story 7 months ago! Plagiarized from Robert Dyer!"
"Your next move is to go to your favorite website and post a comment to say "Robert Dyer broke this story 7 months ago! Plagiarized from Robert Dyer!"
Why don't you do that yourself? Why hide in the shadows?
And it's hilarious to see someone who has never had a paying job in his life, call someone else a "Communist" just because he disagrees with him/her.
9:18 stop posting, you're drunk
Dyer doesn't troll other sites, my friend. Wish other bloggers would take his example.
9:26pm you're drunk. Put the phone down.
9:01: You're the guy who posts all the comments about who is scooping who - but mysteriously not the 99% of the time when I'm the one who scooped everyone else. Dead giveaway.
I just call Neo-Communists Neo-Communists. As if killing 120,000,000+ in the 20th century wasn't enough, you want to relaunch the movement!
As a man notorious for being unemployed before getting into the MoCo cartel, you're in no position to talk about employment, old sport.
You set yourself up for humiliation with your drunken Riggsby comment. Damn, son, you just got destroyed.
7:12: All lies and fiction, as usual, from a delusional troll.
I don't "go" to a website I publish - it's my website. You not only read it religiously, but you also posted troll comments there on Rockville Nights relentlessly. You posted the same precise comment down to the last words about the "family" there under a different identity. You then forgot you had done so, and used the comment here on this site, revealing once again that you indeed troll, bully and harass me on all of my websites.
Your fantasy about me giving the IRS information is just that - the reality was that you posed as a tax expert, and then were caught making statements that would jeopardize someone in that line of work.
You are indeed a "big villain," as a monstrous bully threatening, harassing, stalking and cyberbullying me 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
What would your colleagues and friends think of the horrific way you are conducting yourself and treating others? Hence why you must hide your identity, as you would be ruined if the deranged statements and behavior you've exhibited here were ever to be associated with your actual identity.
"How a short, middle-aged man posting using a woman's name among other aliases can become unhinged by a male Gen-Xer reporting local news" is indeed the question you must answer.
Cease and desist.
You've been asked to leave countless times. Stop posting here. Your campaign of harassment and bullying is illegal under state and federal laws.
Wow. I'm female. Always have been. You've confused me with someone else posting here because I have NEVER threatened you, never stalked you. I read your blog during the day, only when I'm working at a desktop, so I might post anytime between 5AM-8PM.
I don't post on your other sites. I don't read your other sites.
I post under my name.
This is a public forum. Lock it up if you want to control who posts and what they say.
All this is true.
8:09: You post way beyond those hours. You've again proven you read and post on my other sites by posting one of your infamous troll comments from the Rockville site on this site, apparently forgetting which site you'd used it on and under which alias.
No, I don't have to shut down my comment section just because one person is harassing, stalking and bullying me.
Use what common sense you have to cease and desist your cyberbullying campaign, so you don't wind up in court when your real identity is exposed. It's not too late to get control of yourself.
Take me to court then.
One of the benefits of being honest. No worries.
You'll find what I've said all along is true.
8:59: Hiding, bullying and attacking behind a fake name is not "honest."
9:05: Constantly reposting a long, totally fake and defamatory statement is also not "honest." Stable people don't keep reposting the same troll defamatory comments 1000 times on a website.
From the very first time you went off on me, I have it all. Every defamatory statement you've made. Everything.
And that whole East County blog thing, which drags in my former co-workers.
We're all honest upstanding professional believable people.
9:16: I have no clue what you're talking about "East County" blog, but now you are admitting you also read my East MoCo website, after claiming you only read this one. You have no defamatory statements because I've never made any. I couldn't make them if I wanted to, because I don't know your identity. You can't defame someone who is Anonymous or using a fake first name. Try to use common sense.
Do your "co-workers" know that you are viciously threatening, cyberbullying and harassing a local journalist online?
9:47: There are no actual quotes where I'm saying any of the defamatory statements you claim. You keep posting other stuff, because you know you're lying. Thus why you can be sued for defamation.
You've again now spent about four solid hours on my website so far today, refreshing every 30 seconds, reposting harassing defamatory comments as quickly as they are deleted.
This is not the behavior of a stable, sane person. Your co-workers support you doing this? I notice you can't answer that question.
Again, cease and desist. Get out of here. Go away. You've been banned and are facing criminal charges for your cyberbullying campaign.
As I've said before:
Take me to court then.
One of the benefits of being honest. I have No Worries.
You'll find what I've said all along is true.
And boy oh boy will you look silly being proved all wrong and paranoid and stuff.
10:08: You can't take an Anonymous person to court. That's why you hide. If your real name were known, you would be widely reviled in the community. Hence your anonymous harassment campaign.
How do you explain that you've been able to spend the last 5 hours doing this?
I believe this is the latest mass-deletion ever. We were getting worried about you, Robbie. We feared maybe you had gotten arrested for prowling, or run down by a self-aware self-driving Tesla, bodyslammed into a coffee table by a pack of Munchkins, carried off by centaurs, choked on a Wintermint Ding-Dong...
@ 10:12 AM -
Looking forward to it!
10:11 AM - Let it go, apologize for lying about me and I'll go back to bingeing SVU and taking/passing Ethics exams for my CPE.
Other than that, my afternoon was free yesterday until maybe 3PM when I ran out to the grocery. Made a great lentil soup and needed some crusty bread to go with. Nice dinner. Topped off with dessert of Steve's Small Batch Bourbon Vanilla ice cream. Best bourbon taste I've found in an ice cream.
"How do you explain that you've been able to spend the last 5 hours doing this?"
Sweetie, I don't answer to you. You think this is some kind of all-encompassing endeavor to post on your little blog? Sheesh, a few minutes here and there, in between other things, is how multitasking works.
Today I'm bingeing some Joe Kenda: Homicide Hunter and slow-roasting a chicken and catching up on my favorite web comic, They Can Talk.
I'm just me. I post with my name...always.
I can't help that you twist yourself into knots trying to link other things to me, but you never will. Why? The simple fact that I've been honest.
All I can do is continue to tell the truth, post my opinions, and call out errors as I see them.
And it seems you will continue to falsely make me this big villain of your blog.
How a short, middle-aged female accountant can unhinge a male Gen-Xer with a couple comments and defending herself from your inconceivable actions
Need I remind you, once again:
And THIS is what YOU did:
You went to a website of yours that I do not read, with knowledge that I do not read it, and posted false and defamatory comments and called me out by name. You also threatened to feed the IRS false information about me in an effort to ruin my livelihood.
That's all fact. Supported by YOUR OWN WORDS as posted on your own blog(s) in your own name. FACT.
7:12 AM
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