Sunday, December 22, 2019

Bethesda construction update: Maizon apartments (Video+Photos)

Construction continues down in the excavated site of the future Maizon Bethesda apartments at Arlington Road and Edgemoor Lane. I've been hearing a lot of complaints about the noise from nearby residents, and about the way the pavement on Arlington Road has been severely damaged and just left that way. Watch the crane in big-time action in this video:

What's going on over here?

Time to call in reinforcements

The crane is picking something up

Bringing in Earthmover Jr.

Lowering him into the pit

And he's already at work


Anon said...
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Anon said...

Robert Dyer said...

5:18: LOL - If I was ashamed of being on there, wouldn't I have deleted my account a long time ago? It's a social media platform like any other, just not Neo-Communist enough for you. That said, no, you're not allowed to spam off-topic comments on my blog.