Renovations have been going on for almost 2 years at this shopping center, which is best known for its anchor, Trader Joe's.
Here is the original 2013 concept, for comparison |
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Here is the original 2013 concept, for comparison |
Why has it taken so long to finish this project? Are they out of funding?
Really surprised this is taking so long. Anyone in the know have any insight? By most accounts, Douglas should have plenty of money.
Really hoping to see this corner activated. Would go a long way in connecting that end of Bethesda.
Robert - maybe they will provide you a quote or update for the blog. They seem to be keeping the community in the dark
I walked by today and there is a Stop Work order posted on the door of the management office (3rd floor, across from H&R Block). Looks like it has been there for a while.
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