Monday, January 24, 2022

Wood Acres intersection stop sign missing

A number of weeks ago, the stop sign on Wiltshire Drive where it meets Welborn Drive in the Wood Acres neighborhood of Bethesda disappeared. It was then temporarily replaced with a short, makeshift stop sign, perhaps by a concerned nearby resident. Now that sign has vanished, as well, leaving the three-way intersection unregulated. As a public safety matter, this is too long a time for a genuine replacement sign to be installed by Montgomery County.

Photos via Google Maps


Anonymous said...

Did you call 311?

Anonymous said...

So did you report this to 311 weeks ago or is the county just supposed to magically know that the sign went missing?

Robert Dyer said...

6:43: I'm certain it's been reported by more than one resident, given the amount of time that has passed.

Robert Dyer said...

Update: I have reported it to 311 and they have filed a request with the Traffic Signs Department.