Thursday, February 02, 2023

Teen identified by police as alleged anti-Semitic caller to Jewish Rockville Outreach Center

Montgomery County police say they have identified a teenager as the suspect in a series of anti-Semitic phone calls to the Jewish Rockville Outreach Center in Bethesda. Police were called to the center on Tuesday, December 20, 2022, after a staff member reported receiving multiple phone calls from an individual using anti-Semitic language. An investigation found that the caller was allegedly a 17-year-old male "who lives in the community."

Police say the teen faces charges, but has not yet been charged. That will be up to the Department of Juvenile Services. Detectives are recommending a charge of "telephone misuse." Hate crime charges were not mentioned in the department press release.


Anonymous said...

Detectives are recommending a charge of "telephone misuse"???? Sounds like the detectives are anti-Semites themselves. That 17 yr. old should be charged as an adult and sentenced to the fullest extent of the law. The crime is definitely a hate crime.

Anonymous said...

Are they going to release more details about the accused, or not bc of the age?

Robert Dyer said...

12:39: If it's like the church desecration case, this is probably the last you will ever hear about it, under the county's juvenile justice regime.

Anonymous said...

I told you all - it is not safe to be in Bethesda. Racists, car jackings, fights at the mall. WE LIVE IN A WAR ZONE

Anonymous said...

At least the accused didn't use that phone for threatening to carjack, steal catalytic converters, take a 300 lb monkey statue, smoke weed, purchase a ghost gun, drive a dump truck or other vehicle recklessly, threaten the county council, county prosecutor or any court judges, so at least there's THAT.

Anonymous said...

MoCo360© is less of a new shinier glossy magazine version than it describes frequency of crime right here in river City... 24/7, 365. Have we ever gone a whole 5 days without robbery, break-in, carjacking or other heinous action here lately?

Anonymous said...

Only in our fair county can one not separate armed car jackings,, fights at the mall, crime in general, litter, etc. from racism. There is a common denominator.

Anonymous said...

Aren't ALL crimes technically hate crimes?

Anonymous said...

Robert Dyer - You make it sound like Montgomery County is the only place in the country where juvenile crimes are kept confidential.

JAC said...

Robert, absolutely correct. And nothing will happen to these youth. They'll be totally free to repeat crimes at will.

Anonymous said...

4:43 A war zone!? Tell that to the people in Ukraine.

Anonymous said...

War zone is right! The best you can do, is fend for yourself and still then the liberals will cry racist when you protect yourself!!

Anonymous said...

You've got to use that joke more sparingly, 4:43. It was funny the first couple times, but now it's just old.

Anonymous said...

"Have we ever gone a whole 5 days without robbery, break-in, carjacking or other heinous action here lately?"

Uh, we're a county of 1.1 million residents with a daytime population that's even higher. Of course we're never going to go 5 days straight where literally no felony occurs. Is that a serious thought that entered your mind?

Anonymous said...

9:58 I agree! Why do anything about our county's creeping and growing crime problems when worse ones do exist? Are you Elrich's strategist or speech writer?

Anonymous said...

" take a 300 lb monkey statue," Yeah, what was up with that??

Speaking of Kensington, they are resolving to fight the racism issue - by having a town meeting, sponsored by their Racial Justice Committee. No Lie.

Anonymous said...

We can afford to fix the problems, then crime will naturally diminish, if not go away almost entirely.

Anonymous said...

Democrats the party of pro terrorism Palestine anti semitic hatred Ihan Omar style