Thursday, August 29, 2024

Assault at Connie Morella Bethesda Library

Montgomery County police responded to a report of a 2nd-degree assault at the Connie Morella Bethesda Library late Tuesday night, August 27, 2024. The assault was reported at 11:35 PM. To state the obvious, the library is closed at that time.


Anonymous said...

It could have been at the bus shelter on Arlington. I've seen homeless people camp out there from time to time.

n/a said...
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Anonymous said...

Why can't everyone just leave everyone alone. #Rhetorical

Anonymous said...

I used to enjoy sitting out front when the Sun is just right enjoying the wifi but lately it's been getting a bit dicey.

Anonymous said...

They are waiting to populate all those new high rise buildings that are popping up all over that area.

n/a said...

Police dispatched the call as a woman having spat on a man, who in turn detained her until police arrived.

Anonymous said...

Probably nothing surprising in this fact pattern, we're coming to expect such behavior.