Saturday, August 31, 2024

B.T.'s Bethesda to take over Zuma by Chef Ninja space

B.T.'s Bethesda
has leased the recently-vacated restaurant space at 4866 Cordell Avenue in the Woodmont Triangle. The new restaurant doesn't appear to have any social media presence or website yet. What I've heard is that it will specialize in steaks and seafood, which sounds similar to the Fairmont Grill that is also going to open in the Woodmont Triangle in the near future. This building was most recently home to Zuma by Chef Ninja, whose owners were taken to court by the landlord for unpaid rent, and Brickside Food & Drink before that.


JAC said...

Both these places you mention sound promising. No reason why Bethesda can't have great restaurants. There are a few no doubt but these could be great additions for sure. Anything of the caliber and atmosphere of Houston 's would do well.

Anonymous said...

Better than vacancies, but why can we not attract an Irish Pub or Jewish Deli?

Anonymous said...

Steaks and seafood? Zero chance this place makes it

Cinco de Mayo said...

At least one Irish pub, Harp & Fiddle, and three Jewish delis, Uptown, Bubbe's, and Heckman's, have failed.

Anonymous said...

We've had both, and they're gone out of buisness.

Anonymous said...

Why? There no competition for them here.

Anonymous said...

Finnegan's Wake best in maryland