Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Diener School to celebrate grand opening of new Bethesda campus Sept. 12

The Diener School
has outgrown its rental facilities since its founding in 2007, and this fall will finally have a campus of its own in Bethesda. A grand opening will be held at the new campus, located at 9312 Old Georgetown Road, on Thursday, September 12, 2024. Participating in the ribbon-cutting ceremony, and delivering remarks, will be Maryland state delegates Marc Korman and Sara Love, and Montgomery County Councilmember Will Jawando. The ceremony will be held from 9:30 AM to 10:15 AM, and be followed by an open house and light refreshments from 10:15 until 11:00 AM.

If you would like to attend the event, RSVP to Laurie Aaronson by September 5th at or (301) 299-4602. Guests are urged to use a ride-sharing service, as campus parking is limited. Valet parking will be offered for those arriving by car. The J2 Metrobus also has a nearby stop.

“Our move to this new campus represents a transformative step for The Diener School,” Head of School Kathy Chumas said in a statement. “We are excited to expand our enrollment capacity while continuing our mission to provide a holistic educational experience for our students. Our commitment to fostering healthy self-esteem and supporting each child’s unique needs remains at the heart of our work.”


JAC said...

Perfect time to remove those ugly white poles for a bike lane few per week use. Oh, wait, never mind.

Anonymous said...

Do you just wake up in the morning and go to bed at night just thinking about bike lanes?

Anonymous said...

Let this wonderful special needs school enjoy their success and service to the community. What a petty thing to complain about and in such a snarky negative way. I'd suggest you read about the Diener School...perhaps then you can become more accepting and kinder to the community.

JAC said...

6:59 & 9:28 - I think about the bike lanes every time I go down Old Georgetown Road which is multiple times every, single day and see no one using the bike lanes and the traffic backed up beyond Maplewood community heading south as a result of removing an entire lane of traffic. Is this school a bad addition to the area? Of course not. I never said that it was. Very immature to try and connect a comment about the road to this new school.

Haha said...

There really needs to be a facility for old men who spend every waking hour litigating their every grievance. Can't we find a way to bring some joy to these people.

Anonymous said...

Good replies here :D

Anonymous said...

It’s immature to try and connect local crime with a presidential election, too then

Anonymous said...

If traffic is so bad then just use the supposedly empty bike lane that's right there. Duh.

Anonymous said...

It’s not a new school. It’s a previously existing school that is moving locations. An alumnus of The Diener School, Jake Cassel, died cycling on the sidewalks of Old Georgetown Rd. He was 17 years old. He’d still be alive if their were bike lanes on Old Georgetown Rd at the time of his death.