Scroll down the event announcement, and you'll find Westbard developer EYA and the Westbard redevelopment architecture firm Perkins Eastman among the "Platinum" and "Silver" sponsors of the award. Anderson was spotted sharing celebratory handshakes with EYA executives minutes after the Montgomery County Council passed the Westbard sector plan last May. Early this morning, the PR firm representing EYA and Regency Centers throughout the sector plan process congratulated Anderson on Twitter.
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Westbard development firm EYA listed as a "Platinum" sponsor |
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Architectural firm for Westbard redevelopment project listed as "Silver" sponsor |
Of course, as you can see on the event announcement, there was a rainbow coalition of other development firms who have had - and will have - projects before Anderson for approval, chipping in to reward him.
Is governing against the will of the people something to reward? Is disrespecting leaders of a black church, and covering up (and then disregarding) the existence of an African-American cemetery laudable behavior? Should developers be able to give an award to a planning official, for "a job well done?" Is this ethical?
These are questions voters can answer in 2018.
Anderson gets an award. Meanwhile the same developers and PR firms have great disdain for residents.
Very shady!
Let's hope that the Purple Line loses its funding so the worst of the density will be put off indefinitely! The MoCo Planning Board sure don't work for me!
Why is Robert Dyer trying to keep a black man from getting appointed to the Planning Commission?
Why does Dyer regularly slander a black man his comments?
Dyer's treatment of Dan Reed is shameful.
@9:13 has it right, the planning doesn't and shouldn't work for you. They work for the County and should keep the County's interest at the forefront of all decisions they make not your personal fear of change.
9:18: I've never slandered you, Dan. There is zero evidence of your false claim.
9:38: No, they work for us. We pay their salaries. They are public servants, which means they serve the public, not the other way around.
Sadly, the Westbard plan is so deficient, it isn't even good planning for the new future residents. Nowhere for kids to play, crowded roads and classrooms, no significant amenities (or even insignificant amenities, for that matter!).
How does the Westbard plan work for anybody, except the developers and elected officials they contribute to? A series of boxes lined up on either side of the same old Westbard Avenue. Forgive me if I'm not understanding the brilliance of this unimaginative, cookie cutter plan.
Planning Board should have a firewall between them and the developers that come before them.
This looks bad.
Dyer's treatment of everyone is shameful.
If Reed has an issue with Dyer's opposition, they should debate it in public. Maybe the Kojo show?
10:00: Anytime. We can start by getting Kojo's thoughts on Reed's support for a plan that puts a parking garage on top of the graves of the first generation of freed slaves in Maryland.
9:56: Hey, everybody - Charlie Brown's teacher is back. "Wa wawa wa wawawa wa."
9:55: As long as the wall has a money slot in it, they'll agree to it.
"We pay their salaries"
Developers pay County taxes, too. And a lot more than Robert Dyer.
10:19 AM if you think Dyer is "mean", I'd love your take on the man who unleashes personal attacks against Dyer here regularly.
Robert complains this much and pays no taxes. Imagine if he actually paid taxes.... he'd have more blogs and less time to fill parking meters?
10:24 = "Waaaaah!!!"
"Roald" @ 10:00 - I don't understand why you think Dan Reed should only appear on shows hosted by other black people.
10:41 AM I could care less about the host, it just seems like Kojo is a well lit, friendly environment for MoCo Dems...they're on there frequently.
I'm happy to pitch in for a public meeting room and a microphone if they can't do Kojo or another show. Two people with completely different opinions on development should be able to exchange views.
In other news, there has been no crime in Bethesda the last couple days!!!
"Two people with completely different opinions on development should be able to exchange views."
Just not on a blog. Then you're a dumpster-diving hobo.
Careful. You are bordering on defamation.
That's a good point. Developers pay taxes too and have a voice too. Also, it is their land. Also, don't forget the opinions of those who want to move in and live in these developments. Seems they are for development.
10:36 - Dyer owns no property but he wants to control those who do.
Imagine what Dyer would have written if he was given some sort of BS award.
"Greatest Bethesda News Site of All time" award given to Bethesda Activist, award-winning international Music sensation, and CEO of Suburban News Network - the universally acclaimed site for hyperlocal news in Bethesda, Rockville and Silver Spring.
Wait, he has already awarded himself these honors.
11:36: Hello, Regency Centers.
4:28: You have no clue what property I own or don't own, my finances or my employment/income. All speculation on your part.
7:22: The issue is, should developers with projects before the Board be able to contribute financially to a celebration and resume-enhancing award for the Board's chair? And in the case of the Westbard-related companies, is this a reward for a "job well done."
The fact that Dyer is the only journalist raising questions on this improper award shows how moribund the Post, Sentinel and local bloggers are.
@9:38am - You have it wrong; they are working for the developers who are basically raping our neighborhood to make the most money possible. They will not listen to the residents' valid objections, they provide NO amenities (why do I have to drive to Gaithersburg to register my car?) (why are there no parks or playgrounds in their plan - and don't think we buy that BS 1/3 acre where all the dogs will have to go)with their mass housing plan. Who IS the county? I think the residents are the county.
5:42: That's true - this is a major ethics violation. Kind of like those inaugural funds where corporations and other big donors can give unlimited amounts of cash for access and favors.
The true spirit of such an award would be to give it to the developers of a project, not to the regulatory body that has approval power over projects.
5:44 AM The lack of parks and open space is one of the travesties of the Westbard Plan. Particularly since this neighborhood is very family oriented.
No parks was a deal breaker for me.
Not a trace of doubt in his mind!
Robert 6:53 is right.
You are an all star this blog is great
All the trolls with their fingers and their thumbs in the shape of an L on their forehead.
Listen the comments keep coming and they dont stop coming
Dont listen to the trolls and get your campaign running
Doesnt make sense to troll for fun
The Council says their smart but we know their dumb
So much to do so much to see
So whats wrong with taking the back streets, to westbard
We'll never know if you don't go (report on it)
Hey now, youre an all star
get your blog on go play
hey now you're a rock star (link in his profile)
even tho youre not getting paid
All that glitters is gold
only disputing bloggers break the mold
MoCo is a cool place and they say its getting cooler
We're overdevelopled now wait till you get older
But the Councilmen beg to differ
Judging by their pockets getting richer
The ice we skate is getting pretty thin
The water's getting warm so you might as well swim
My Blogs on fire, how about yours?
Thats the way I like and I never get bored
Hey now your a blogstar get your game on
go report on a new cafe
Hey now youre a rock star get the food reviews on get paid
All that glitters is gold
only disputing bloggers break the mold
Somebody once asked me could I spare some change for a parking meter?
I need to get myself away from this place
I said yep what a concept
I could use a few votes myself
And the Council could use a little change
Well the votes start coming and they dont stop coming
Fraudulent votes and I hit the ground running
Didn't make sense not to do a Council run
Your trolls get smart but you act dumb
So much to do so much to see
So whats wrong with reporting on the tax cheats
You'll never know if you dont go
You'll never win without dough
Hey now your a blogstar get your game on
go report on a new cafe
Hey now youre a rock star get the food reviews on get paid
All that glitters is gold
only disputing bloggers break the mold
^^^Like it!
(33) Isn't this normal? Bunch of suits congratulating themselves and giving each other awards?
10:40: Uh, no, it's applicants with business before the Board making cash gifts to the chair of the Board. Totally unethical.
(35) 10:40AM- I think(hope) that was supposed to be humorous? If so, ha ha ha, good one. If not, huh???
A group of twelve or more cows is called a flink.
Perhaps not strictly illegal, but Casey Anderson's acceptance of this award certainly raises the appearance of conflict of interest.
The land use approvals for the Westbard project are now before the Planning Board, and Anderson will be expected to opine on them. It is at best unseemly, and perhaps unethical, for Anderson to accept an award sponsored by the project co-developer (EYA) and its architect (Perkins Eastman.)
I attended the Planning Board's December 2015 and February 2016 hearings on the Westbard development. It was clear throughout that the Planning Board had determined its findings and recommendations prior to each hearing, that public testimony was just for show, and that the Planning Board was far more interested in the developer's needs than in the needs of residents and citizens.
The proper role of planning authorities is to balance the interests of developers and residents in granting development approvals. Planners in many communities manage to strip a good balance. Planners in Montgomery County do not, as evidenced by widespread public unhappiness with the Lyttonsville, Westbard and downtown Bethesda sector plans.
Under the circumstances, Casey Anderson should not be accepting awards sponsored by the development community, I am disgusted that my tax dollars support his salary.
4:50 pm again: I appreciate Dyer's covering this story. We wouldn't know about this were it not for Robert Dyer, and I believe that Anderson's acceptance of this award creates the appearance of conflict. Planning Board members, Planning Department employees, and others involved in the land use approval process should not be permitted to accept awards or any gift of more than de minimis value from persons or organizations engaged in development in Montgomery County. If such a requirement is not in force in Montgomery County, it should be.
I disagree with Dyer on one point (see Dyer's 10:40 comment): the awards dinner does not constitute "cash gifts to the chair of the Board." But the awards dinner should be out of bounds,
How much cash was gifted?
Making false claims of bribery is totally unethical.
7:10: That's the best part - we don't know how much each company spent to celebrate Anderson. It's not false when we have proof it happened, my friend.
5:06: I agree it's not a straight cash payment, but it is cash going to the benefit of the Chair. The award will certainly be touted by him on his resume, and will increase his salary in his current and future positions. That is a clear financial benefit.
Should a judge accept an award from a plaintiff or defendant in a matter before him? Of course not, and neither should this situation be happening as described above.
Blogger Robert Dyer said...
10:40: Uh, no, it's applicants with business before the Board making cash gifts to the chair of the Board. Totally unethical.
11:14 AM
Blogger Robert Dyer said...
5:06: I agree it's not a straight cash payment, but it is cash going to the benefit of the Chair. The award will certainly be touted by him on his resume, and will increase his salary in his current and future positions. That is a clear financial benefit.
8:06 AM
Dare I use the "B" word? Ok... Back-pedaling !!!
A farm in Delaware mulches more than four tons of U.S. cash into compost every day. In previous eras, worn out bills were pierced or burned
"5:06: I agree it's not a straight cash payment, but it is cash going to the benefit of the Chair. The award will certainly be touted by him on his resume, and will increase his salary in his current and future positions. That is a clear financial benefit."
It would have been easier for you to say, "it wasn't a cash payment." But no, you can never, ever admit that you are wrong.
9:15/9:41: Thanks for proving you are the troll using a fake female name. There's no backpedaling once again, you liar. The development team sponsored the award, as I reported above. In the comments, I said it was a cash gift to the chair of the board. It was. It may not be handing a stack of bills to him directly, but it was a cash gift that generates literal cash for the chair down the road via his resume.
Stop lying, and stop being so obvious, by defending every crook in the county. You are very much alone in your passion to defend our corrupt public officials.
You can believe whatever you want.
I laid out my back pedaling case coherently and with sources.
I yam what I yam. I have the benefit of the truth on my side.
No worries on my part. And please stop calling me a liar. Thanks!
Oxford University is older than the Aztec Empire.
"I said it was a cash gift to the chair of the board. It was. It may not be handing a stack of bills to him directly, but it was a cash gift that generates literal cash for the chair down the road via his resume."
Wouldn't it have been easier to admit that you were wrong, rather than weaving this tangled web ever more?
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