Saturday, January 28, 2023

Rent stabilization rally set for January 30 at Montgomery County Council building

A rally to support passage of a rent stabilization law in Montgomery County has been scheduled for this Monday, January 30, 2023 at 12:30 PM in front of the Montgomery County Council Building at 100 Maryland Avenue in Rockville. "The Rent is Too Damn High" is being sponsored by the Maryland Poor People's Campaign, and the UFCW Local 1994 union, who say some on the County Council are trying to block efforts to make rent stabilization part of changes to housing policy in the county.

"Council Vice President Andrew Friedson (D - District 1) has assembled a hastily-scheduled panel of housing experts to discuss Montgomery County’s housing crisis — by invitation only," the event announcement says. "While the details are still not clear, we expect the speakers to be weighted towards opposing rent stabilization, despite studies and local evidence showing that rent stabilization works. You, the people, have been left out of this discussion. To re-center the conversation, we need you to join a large coalition of nonprofit and labor organizations fighting to center the County residents most impacted by housing policy. We will express our frustration that the people most affected by housing decisions do not have an equitable role in the conversation. We will also denounce the lack of transparency in the organization of the [Planning Housing and Parks Committee] meeting."

Participants are asked to assemble at the front steps of the Council building at 12:30 PM for a rally and press conference. Then the group will move inside for the Council committee session around 1:15 PM. Organizers recommend wearing an KN95-or-better mask inside the crowded hearing room, wearing a rent stabilization t-shirt (shirts will be available Monday if you don't have one), and to "prepare to make noise in support of rent stabilization." 

Interested participants can sign up to join the rally online, or just show up at 12:30 PM Monday.


Anonymous said...

“Rent stabilization” aka rent control is a sure fire way to torpedo investments in your community.

“Organizers recommend wearing a K95 mask or better” lmaooo. Chefs kiss.

Anonymous said...

Our local leaders clearly don't believe Covid is over. The majority of the Rockville Mayor and Council were either wearing N95 masks or still hiding at home on Zoom at Monday's meeting. And not just the elderly members.

Anonymous said...

This is all coming from council members who enrich themselves at taxpayer expense and have no idea how the real world works.

Anonymous said...

No Comments.

Anonymous said...

MPDU = suburban decay

Anonymous said...

So this really happened yesterday... MPDU tenant directly 2 floors above us let the water run in the bathtub and "somehow" forgot to turn the water off before leaving for the day. Yes, water in the walls, floors, ceilings everywhere. Zero responsibility or accountability nor a care in the world for a single act that affected so many dwellers & kind maintenance folks. THIS is your Aldon. THIS is your Brown Development. Crickets & tumbleweeds from your commentors to follow, I'm so sure. Mistakes happen but distractions can be catastrophic, devastating or deadly. #BatteryLane #DiminishedQualityOfLife #BlackMold #LeastQualifiedLeasers #Section8 #EBT #SanctuaryCounty

Anonymous said...

The problem when governments "give" things away, many people don't have any respect for what's given as they now feel entitled. Proven over time and history is when everyone has skin-in-the-game the outcomes are far better.