Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Car stolen in Green Acres, thieves rifle through cars in Springfield neighborhood of Bethesda

One or more thieves took what they could from at least cars in the Springfield neighborhood of Bethesda off River Road early yesterday morning. Property was taken from vehicles parked in the 5800 block of Ogden Court, and in the 5700 block of Ridgefield Road, according to crime data. One resident in nearby Green Acres fared much worse, however - a vehicle was entirely stolen from the 5000 block of Smallwood Drive.


Anonymous said...

The silence of the MoCo County Council on this rampant crime is disgusting.

SocialNorm said...

The unlocked syndrome continues to exist. People a lot of this is your fault.

Anonymous said...

@9:06 AM: Nice victim blaming here. Well done.

Anonymous said...

How is it 'victim blaming' when it is a self-evident fact that unlocked cars are opened more easily than a locked car? Wouldn't 'victim blaming' be criticizing those who had taken even the most basic measures to avoid being a victim?
Nice attempt at blame shifting. You must be a leftist. SMH