Thursday, May 18, 2023

Caroline Freeland Urban Park to close for last 6 months of 2023

The weather is getting to be just right for spending quality time outdoors in local parks...and that's exactly the time Montgomery Parks has picked to shut down Caroline Freeland Urban Park at 7200 Arlington Road in Bethesda for the rest of the year. It will close in early June, the parks department announced yesterday. A long-planned renovation will add a new central lawn and a large seating terrace, more-acccessible pathways, a larger playground, bench swings, bicycle parking, improved lighting and a new entry plaza and streetscape along Arlington Road. The Hampden Lane approach will be renovated into a more pedestrian-oriented plaza that will preserve emergency vehicle access through the park.


Anonymous said...

Is that park named after a woman found murdered on the park property or a donor or politician? I researched it years ago but forgot the story because I'm getting old...

Anonymous said...