Saturday, June 10, 2023

Bethesda's Public Parking Lot 43 permanently closes (Photos)

It's the end of an era at Montgomery County's Public Parking Lot 43 at 8009 Woodmont Avenue in downtown Bethesda. The lot closed permanently yesterday. Those wood sawhorses probably wouldn't stop the Bluesmobile, and it appears Jake and Elwood already paid a visit, but should keep out the Priuses and Teslas of Bethesda. 

Lot 43 was at least spared the indignity of paid parking on Saturdays, which goes into effect July 8 in downtown Bethesda. The lot is part of several contiguous properties that are about to be redeveloped into the Artena Bethesda apartment tower. 


Anonymous said...

A little bit more open space, soon to vanish from the landscape.

Anonymous said...

@6:25 PM - Nothing like a litte soothing patch of asphalt to ease the mind.

shanel said...

I don't see any no trespassing signs, and the barriers are flimsy as Robert notes. Who is responsible for making sure nobody uses it. What's the ticket look like if your caught. If it's like other privately owned developer property, it probably would take more than a night to get a vehicle towed away. Wondering for a friend not named Trump.

Anonymous said...

The county will start requiring payment on Saturdays for all lots and garages in July:

"On or about July 8, 2023, Saturday payment will be required in garages and lots. Rates and hours requiring payment will be the same as the rest of the week [which currently are]:

On-street: Mon-Sat, 9am - 10pm
Lots: Mon-Fri, 7am - 10pm
Garages: Mon-Fri, 7am - 10pm"

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